July 13, 2005


Anyone noticed just how deceitful Blair is becoming? And how the broadcast media are letting let him off the Iraqi hook? Deceitful- well nobody is really suggesting there is an unbroken thread from Basra to Kings Cross. But Blair responds to that unasked question; a lawyers trick to avoid getting struck off by fibbing to a court . What Galloway, and Pilger assert is that Blair's foreign policy has contributed significantly to what happened last Thursday. How the Blair/Bush's policy in Iraq has caused the increase in terrorism worldwide; how Muslim opinion has been inflamed not only by the invasion of Iraq with a Christian Crusade, but also the manner in which the war and subsequent occupation have been conducted. Not just Abu Graib and Camp Breadbasket, but the criminal bombing of Fallujah with the loss of nearly 1000 civilians. I find it difficult to distinguish between that and what happened last Thursday. ( I notice the meedja has lapsed into calling it 7/7 as if it equated, in any way, with "9/11"!). People forget, and the BBC, having reverted to its supine post Hutton mode, seem reluctant to remind our PM what "Blowback" the intelligence services told him we could expect as a result of the illegal invasion of Iraq; increased terrorists and the increased risk that we would be targeted. Once again it's not Blair's honesty that's in question, but his judgement. The sadness is that Iraq seems to be getting worse by the day; beyond the quagmire . There now seems a craven willingness by the "coalition of the willing", having broken all the china in the shop, to avoid paying by declaring the Iraqi forces in charge and then to cut and run. There is now a serious risk of a "three state solution" in Iraq. And there's still Afghanistan simmering away. Makes you want to vomit.


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