September 15, 2005

Hitchens Metamorphosis

Anybody who watched ex-Trot Christopher Hitchens on Newsnight last week must have wondered what the hell is his booze of choice.

“Gorgeous” George Galloway, during his “debate” with Hitchens in New York last night referred to the popinjay, mixing lepidoptera with gastropoda. But it looked to have been good fun for all that!

"What you have witnessed is something unique in natural history - the first ever metamorphosis of a butterfly back into a slug, I do not know what it was," he said. "I do not know if it was Vanity Fair or the lucrative contracts you have landed since. Maybe it was the whiskey. Somehow, you decided in 2002/3 to take a line that was in complete opposition to the line you used to take. Were you wrong in ‘91 or are you wrong now?"


At 20 September, 2005 16:58, Blogger Tim Worstall said...

Very oddly (I was involved in getting him a freebie bottle a couple of years ago) I do know what Hitchens drinks. Johnny Walker Black.


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