August 18, 2005

The Public Enquiry- R.I.P

Blogs often discuss important issues that seem to pass by the main media. This is an important example from Talk Politics. It's well worth reading. The entire nuts and bolts of the public enquiry have changed as a result of the The Inquiries Act 2005. The government now choose the rules, the pitch, and the players. The Act seems to have been smuggled onto the statute book, almost un-debated, by a squalid agreement between both parties.


At 20 August, 2005 12:36, Blogger Garry Nixon said...

Thanks for that link. Since Hutton, I've been extremely sceptical about the efficacy of Public Inquiries, but this new Act, which apparently has had no Parliamentary or media (only one hit on google news) scrutiny, is a scandal.

At 25 August, 2005 20:22, Blogger Apprentice said...

Brian Waldon was interveiwed on R4 about the impending demise of the Sunday Dimbleby. He said that if we want rigorous, in depth political news with imporant fleshed-out detail, the Beeb is no longer it. And that might be exactly what people want, to see no more of it, so in that respect the Beeb probably has its finger on the nation's pulse. Mind you, Walden's repetitive style always used to irritate, but I do agree with him, and you Tony on this one.

These days, I get my political news and alaysis from Hatfield.

At 25 August, 2005 20:24, Blogger Apprentice said...

And my typing is atrocious, sorry. Important. Analysis. :)


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