Windsor in the Soup

On the front page of today’s Sun is a rather grainy photograph of someone described as “Harry the Nazi". "Harry" is third in a queue to acquire one of the largest fortunes in the world. Yet the photograph shows him wearing an armband displaying the swastika. We are told “Harry” was at a private party where guests were expected to arrive in fancy dress. He decided, one can only presume befuddled by drink, to dress up as a member of Rommel’s Africa Corps. The uniform included the optional ceremonial armband.
Another party guest took the picture. Though we are not told what fancy dress clothed the snapper.
“Harry’s” media advisers were quick to draft an apology. And it seems that they consider the matter closed.
Sections 98 to 112 of the Criminal Justice Act 2003- the so-called “bad character provisions” now click in. So it’s fair to point out that “Harry’s” got form. He’s been caught smoking dope, underage boozing, and seems to have what my mother would call “ a bit of a short fuse”. He has recently tried to thump a photographer plying his trade outside a London nightclub from which the lad was exiting looking a tad worse for drink.
What must give him the pip is that he’s been caught out. Does anyone really imagine him going to his dad and confessing? And is it believable that the first in line to the Windsor fortune would tell the boy to get a photographer round at the double, get a picture of “Harry” in the uniform, and fire it off to the Press Association for publication?
God alone knows what else is going on within this family.
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